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Cristian Ceccanti & Ivan Rossi photographers @ Foto D'Arte Firenze

Published in Events
Wednesday, 30 January 2013 09:00

Guitar maker Piero Tievoli, AEGILIUM Guitars

A Christmas gift of a small guitar began what was to become a lifetime passion for Piero Tievoli, making guitars.

 aegilium guitar

Foto D'Arte Firenze went to Piero Tievoli's guitar workshop to discover his precious creations, it was a journey into a place where time stands still, where everything turns around the research for perfection without compromise, a journey into the past and its images.

The AEGILIUM guitar was born here, the result of carefully chosen woods taking their form under the able hands of Piero Tievoli in his search for perfect sound and harmony.



Ivan Rossi photographer © Foto D'Arte Firenze

Ivan Rossi photographer © Foto D'Arte Firenze @ Piero Tievoli Guitar maker

Published in Photographs for art


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